Unstyled React components
August 14th, 2024//Ep. 193
Sam and Ryan talk about the pattern of building unstyled components with React. They discuss why unstyled components were created, how they improve upon composition patterns from UI libraries like Bootstrap, how they can be used to share behavior and logic without prescribing any styling opinions, and how they fit into a larger collection of React patterns that can be used to build more powerful components that avoid premature abstractions.
- Intro
- What are unstyled components?
- How do unstyled components improve upon earlier patterns?
- Why would you want to use an unstyled component?
- How can you compose an unstyled component with a styled component?
- How to decide which pattern is best suited for the code you want to share
- Using patterns that preserve React's locality of behavior
- How do you know if an abstraction is good?
- Build UI's upcoming course on Advanced React Component Patterns